
Google Recommends Hiring SEO’s

by Hayley Canfield October 11, 2022
Hiring an SEO in Connecticut

Toward the end of 2019, Google released a new video series titled “Search for Beginners” where they provide all of their recommendations to anyone looking to build a new website or to improve upon a current one. The levels of information range from beginner to advanced and these videos are an excellent way to learn tips and tricks for your website. The episode in their series details five things you should take into account with your site based on Google’s opinion. An SEO, or search engine optimizer, is recommended as the fifth item on that list.

What Is A Search Engine Optimizer?

People who specialize in search engine optimization are known as search engine optimizers, often referred to as “SEOs”. They know how to optimize your website so that it appears high on search engines. At High Point SEO & Marketing in Connecticut, we specialize in helping our clients improve both their visibility and ranking of their websites. We are knowledgeable and experienced in the best techniques to move your website up in search results.

How To Find A Good SEO in CT

Knowing what to look for in a search engine optimizer is important if you’re considering hiring one. In addition to knowing how to improve your website’s search engine rankings, your hire should also know what tactics Google and other search engines frown upon that will adversely affect your ranking. As a result of our knowledge of what procedures to use and which to avoid, High Point SEO & Marketing in CT has assisted so many clients in improving their search visibility and establishing a better ranking. In addition to on-page and off-page SEO in CT, we also offer speed optimization, content marketing, backlinks, and so many more of our SEO services. Check out our website for a full list of our SEO services right here in CT, on our website.

Google’s Recommendations

You should pay attention to the following five things with your website, according to Google:

  1. To check if your site is indexed by Google, search for “site: your-website.com”
  2. Follow Google’s official webmaster guidelines and best practices to provide high-quality content
  3. Test the mobile-friendliness of your website at g.co/mobilefriendly
  4. Secure your website with HTTPS to ensure visitor safety
  5. Hire an SEO: Hire someone who understands how to increase visibility and ranking on search engines

We encourage you to review the article from the Search Engine Journal, as well as watch Google’s video if you’re still not sure if you’re ready to hire an SEO.


Hayley SEO CT Hayley Canfield, Owner of High Point SEO & Marketing in CT